our services

What services I currently offer (though I'm open to more so don't be afraid to ask!):

  1. Content Writing- blog posts, website copy, articles, product descriptions, social media posts
  2. Editing and Proofreading- Revising existing content for spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, style, consistency, etc.
  3. Creative Writing- poetry, fiction, nonfiction, short stories, scripts
  4. White Paper Writing- reports/guides on specific topics to educate, inform, or persuade the target audience
  5. Copywriting- content for advertisements, marketing materials, sales pages, email campaigns, landing pages to drive conversions and sales
  6. Ghostwriting- blog posts, articles, etc
  7. Journalism- news articles, feature stories, interviews, investigative reports, opinion pieces
  8. Academic Writing- essays, research papers, academic articles, etc

I am an advocate for your business, and that means I want your success above all else!

Audience Awareness






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What to expect:

  1. You shoot me an email with interest.
  2. I ask a series of questions that clarify whether I am a good match for your needs (content needs, timeline, budget, summary of writing and submission process, etc).
  3. I then create and send a writing contract for you to review, negotiate, and (fingers crossed) accept.
  4. I do the heavy lifting while you do what you do. (I work magic within the parameters you agreed upon and deliver by deadline).